Episode 225

Bodies in Motion

23 mins 1986
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 76 ratings
Seasons: 1312111098765432

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Gilad, Sherry and Cherie work you out on the ocean side cliff at the Kona Surf Resort. The area of the day is the waist. The floor work concentrates on the abs, hips and thighs.

Gilad, Sherry, Cherie

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Synopsis We are getting toward the end of the 200 series. You can tell because in this show we see the first evidence of vertical stripes in the girls tops. The entire rest of the 200 series features horizontal stripes. And as if to commemorate the event, a sailboat with multi-colored striped sails goes by. Peaches the cockatoo is back...and so are Cherie and Sherry. The area of the day is the waist. The floor work features the abs, hips and thighs.

The palm trees you see on the cliffs in the background line the Kona Surf Resort golf course.
Athletes Gilad, Sherry, Cherie
Studio Gilad Productions, Ltd.
Rating not rated
Runtime 23 mins
Language English | Stereo
Download SD | 640x480 (266.29 MB)
Stream SD | 720x540