Episode 532

Bodies in Motion

24 mins 1989
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 141 ratings
Seasons: 1312111098765432

What's the difference?

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Gilad jumps off the cliff, waist, hips, thighs, abs,

Gilad, Trella, Tracey

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What's the difference?

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Synopsis Gilad and director Rob Hearn are obviously in need of adult supervision. If you don't believe me, watch the 'German Scientist' skit at the beginning of this show. Gilad, Tracey and Trella are on Makapu'u Cliffs with Duff King flying around in the background on his hang glider. Gilad does an incredibly dangerous jump off the cliff to a ledge below at the end of the show. There is no trick to this. It is just dangerous. Once again....adult supervision! The area of the day is the waist.
Athletes Gilad, Trella, Tracey, Duff King, Rob Hearn
Director Rob Hearn
Writer Gilad Janklowicz, Rob Hearn
Studio Gilad Productions, Ltd.
Rating not rated
Runtime 24 mins
Language English | Stereo
Download SD | 640x480 (290.51 MB)
Stream SD | 720x540