Episode 1305

Bodies in Motion

21 mins 2013
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 421 ratings
Seasons: 1312111098765432

What's the difference?

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Gilad and the team take you through whole body circuit training.

Gilad, Kim, Trella

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What's the difference?

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Workout Details
Synopsis Gilad is joined by Trella, Kim, Bryana and Wendy at scenic Shark's Cove on the North Shore of Oahu. Team member Trisha joins in off to the side. There is a short clip of Trella from the show in the 1980's. Gilad starts off with cardio and then takes you through some whole body circuit training.
Athletes Gilad, Kim, Trella, Bryana, Wendy
Director Rob Hearn
Writer Gilad Janklowicz
Studio Gilad Productions, Ltd
Rating not rated
Runtime 21 mins
Language English | Stereo
Download SD | 848x480 (307.99 MB)
Stream HD | 1920x1080