Episode 204

Bodies in Motion

23 mins 1986
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 101 ratings
Seasons: 1312111098765432

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Gilad in red shoes and pants? All the girls in diapers? You've got to see this one. The area of the day is shoulders. The floor work targets abs, outer thighs and buns.

Gilad, Ada, john

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Synopsis This is the famous 'Diaper Show'. In 1985 when we shot this show, Gilad owned the red jeep you see here. The red jeep looks fine. Gilad's red pants and red shoes however...... But that isn't the biggest wardrobe faux pas. To some the girls all looked like they were wearing diapers. No wonder you never saw this one on the air very often. This show was shot on a secluded North Shore beach. Gilad targets your shoulders in the warm-up and your abs, outer thighs and buns in the floor work.

Another thing that makes this show unique is a 360 degree spinning move in the aerobics that was never used before...or after. You have to see it.
Athletes Gilad, Ada, john, Carole, Sherry
Studio Gilad Productions, Ltd.
Rating not rated
Runtime 23 mins
Language English | Stereo
Download SD | 640x480 (26.63 MB)
Stream SD | 720x540