Episode 811

Bodies in Motion

24 mins 1992
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 208 ratings
Seasons: 1312111098765432

What's the difference?

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Beautiful Waimea Bay. Hips and thighs.

Gilad, Maya, Sue

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What's the difference?

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Workout Details
Synopsis It's another beautiful day at Waimea Bay. The wide red stripe down Gilad's pants dates the outfit. This is a great workout with hips and thighs as the areas of the day. Maya from Mexico city is our guest.
Athletes Gilad, Maya, Sue, Kent, Mike
Director Rob Hearn
Writer Gilad Janklowicz, Rob Hearn
Studio Gilad Productions, Ltd.
Rating not rated
Runtime 24 mins
Language English | Stereo
Download SD | 640x480 (276.38 MB)
Stream SD | 720x540